Friday 9 September 2011

Adventure Day 7!

                                       One complete week, since we started this adventure! And my life is totally, completely and absolutely transformed. It's magical not because it was effortless but because it happened so quickly and the magnitude of results is huge that it has to be called phenomenal!

                                        Imagine being able to set up an office, get 15 people registered for your first workshop and having $5,000 in cash. I would call it big by any standard. Add on top of that, being invited to speak at a conference, starting workout at gym (put off for 2 years) and actually being able to write a blog for 7 days. Before you wonder why I am so excited on being able to blog for 7 days in a row, I must tell you that I am one person who cannot do things for long unless its very motivating or I am being monitored. And here there were clearly moments where I wanted to give up so bad. Where I could see no light and felt all time low.

                                        I am not saying believe this. I did not too, till I tried. Do try setting intentions and believing you will get something (whatever that thing happens to be) just for one week. I put up the 100 day adventure and after one week I am so glad I did. You could start with one week. See you with tons of happiness, success and love! Where are you off to?

Thursday 8 September 2011

Day 6 Adventure!

                                                  So now I am focusing on wonderful things and the more I focus on them, the more good things turn up in my life. Tell you what, I never that I would recommend them to you this soon. BUT  do try it. My life is almost transformed in less than a week. I am richer, clearer, more focused and have even found the love of my life.
                                                 If I were to give one thing the most credit: it is meditation. Just 10 minutes a day. Completely transformed my life. I found that the time does not matter what matters is the moment we do it. And for that morning and night are best times. When our mind is most open to influence.

                                                 A car, house or a loving relationship? What will you dream today?

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 5 Adventures!

                                      I know its been late, real late in writing this. You know I am dealing with weight, love and money intentions. So I got up early and did not visualize too long. Just 5 minutes for the $5 thousand that I want to attract and then went on to the University where I would be teaching 2 courses from 12th. And came back had lunch. Gave 20 minutes break before running to the gym where I spent 1 and half hour, wow that was one powerful experience.

                                      It's wonderful to be with a friend like you. Tell me how you feel about this blog, the whole process of setting intentions, believing in them and visualization. I am eager to know. So how do you feel dear friend?

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 4 Adventures (Night)

                                      Since I have nothing to report at night, I would tell about my manifestations for now. So I went to the gym and had to choose between Salsa and Gym but ended up going to gym. Had my workout there. My trainer told me that I would feel cramps today and I did good amount of stretches too. It wasn't before but now I feel a bit pain in my legs.

                                      With my intention strong for $5,000 in the next five days I am only rejoicing that its one day down four to go. Have any ideas to keep up the spirits during this time?

Day 4 adventure!

                                          I feel that the intentions I have set so far, all come true. This is such a fantastic and remarkable thing for me that I feel I like I am in a magical world where all things are possible and I am only limited by what I can dream. This is so amazing because it has never happened to me before.

                                         Of course the fairyland has its own rules. The magic takes place when its free flowing. Just like we cannot force the hand of fate but gently guide it; so we cannot force the timing. And I believe the Universe and its magic sometimes puts us in interesting spots. We feel like the thing we desire is within our reach but magic pushes is just a bit farther as we are about to grasp it. Its not to tease us but to prepare us for bigger rewards.

                                        I have had some amazing results in the last 3 days. I signed up for gym, got 7 clients enrolled in the program and have been able to setup my home office. Now those are the things I have had on the list for quite sometime. But other things happened unexpectedly like an invitation to speak at an event and people asking for consulting services. If it weren't for this, I would not have setup a facebook account or been so punctual on posting here and at twitter. So you have made me focused, disciplined and clear headed. Thankyou.

                                       For the next 5 days, I intend to attract $5,000 for any of the services I can provide to people. I am going to focus on it for 5 days and then see it manifest. I feel confident and strong about this.   That is big. It's majestic and its magical!

Monday 5 September 2011

Day 3 Results

                                              I have to tell you this, the day I go with more than one intention... something does not turn right. I now trust the quantum physicists when they say that any given second our brain receives almost 1.4 Billion signals. With all the advertisement out in the open, I think it has to be a few billions. I think the focus gets disturbed. Do you agree? Let me know.

                                              Now, I got signed up for the gym. That intention came true. But then I found myself dragged in all directions. Cardinal rule for tomorrow: one intention at a time and before it manifests no other intention. At least its one manifestation. So I have something to show. The days are starting to look to more wonderful than ever!

                                             I am looking forward to tomorrow with great expectation. After all expectations in the future are all we have. I need to try on the meditations and visualization process. Have heard a lot about them. But then we all know if something works amazingly well for the entire world but not us, then it is not for us even if its a universal principal as gravity.

                                             I created a facebook page in addition to twitter. So we could share more stories and ideas there. Looking forward to posting something awesome tomorrow. Remind me please that it has to be one thing and one thing alone

Warm fuzzies

Sunday 4 September 2011

Day 3 Intentions!

                             I am sure you have heard of ripple effect. And that's what happened because of my intention of day 1. I visualized 3 clients for our business. Now 7 have signed up for the online class. It just seems to get better. And my confidence is growing too. We have another 7 days for the payments deadline. So my intention for today is to get one payment for the program.

                             I am going to be a bit bolder today. I intend to hear a news today that will make me so happy I feel like dancing and jumping with joy. That's certainly an interesting one but I am holding on to that. Knowing that you are there, reading, cheering and supporting makes all the difference.

                             You know today is Monday and I stated this intention (atleast 10 times) to get registered in a gym today. So that is 3 intentions and look I managed to write this post at 11.38 am. This is not exactly morning but still it is early! Better than those 3 pm posts.

Warm vibes

Day 2 results!

                               I have to tell you people that it has been an incredible day for me, really.  Now, I want to ask you this... if the time is not critical for something to manifest then should it matter that the intention came true a day later? I don't know how to respond to this one, so I am throwing the question to you. If you remember my intention from yesterday was getting 3 clients, $12 and the important phone call. Well last night none came. But today 3 clients signed up for the program. And when those payments come in, its going to be a lot more than $12. It means the system is good. Works.

                               I must confess that yesterday, my thoughts were too scattered. I could not focus. Well, if the theory about vibrational match is anything close to being true, then yesterday my vibrations were an all time low. Today, I was able to relax more and well clients showed up.

                            About today's intention of setting up my home office, was DONE. Sorry I rarely use all capital letters but this time I am really excited! Wow, and it happened in record time too. Did I tell you that I am also getting more clarity, focus and discipline in my life without trying.  Its lovely tweeting and getting you amazing people to follow me there.

Thanks your support makes all the difference,

Day 2 Intention!

                                 It's a lovely Sunday. A beautiful weekend and day off. I am sure no one wants to work today and I am really not taking setting intentions as work. Had a hard day yesterday. It's like the negative vibes I had from intents not manifesting translated into fight at home. Happy to report that it settled down after I went out for a walk and watched the movie enchanted. You should watch it! Lovely.

                                  Remind me to write these blog posts earlier and not in the middle of the day. Now, as promised today I just set one intention and see it manifest. So my intention for the day is to setup my home office so that its functional from Monday.

                                   From yesterday you may have thought it was a complete failure but I need to report that two good things happened. One I got an unexpected client who is paying very well for a project I did not even apply for. Two I wanted to do Salsa for 2 years now and found one happening in my locality. I really did not intend these things yesterday but they came true. Also in the morning a client wanted to signup for the program. I am really happy.

Good vibes

Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 1 results!

                                 You know what, I have been debating with myself whether to write the post or not. But I made myself a promise, these hundred days you will get the absolute truth, not the sugar coated version no matter how hard it is. It is hard to say I don't know. Its hard to say I am sorry. Its even more harder to say I failed.

                                  Honestly, the intentions are still in the air. I thought I would write the post at 12 am. To let them complete the day. But its about time. Am I giving up on this? Will I close the intention project? Will I end it? That is what I want to do. But I will push my limits. Because I have your support. I don't want to fail you.

                                  My lessons for tomorrow. I would keep it to one intention for a few days. Can I confess something here? I am in the process of settling down and finding my soul mate. That sometimes gets on my nerves. But I will keep calm. Eat dinner and watch enchanted the movie.

Will write tomorrow

Day 1 Intentions!

                                   Intention, they say can completely transform our lives. Everything we want is already there, all we need to do is to identify what we want. And focus on it. According to theory, we need to identify what we want as an intention, believe it will manifest & be grateful. That does not seem hard. But is it true? We will never know unless we experiment. Going alone into anything is scary. So I decided to try the intention experiment with your support. All my learning on the topic, with your advice and my firm commitment to be on the path for a hundred days. Let's see what that unfolds...

                                 Choosing the intention. And that too in public is a hard job. There are things I really want. So many of them, all of them. But the intention bible says choose. So I will pick three intentions for the day. I intend to attract $12 (PKR 1,000) today; I intend to get the phone call I have been waiting for in a week and finally I intend to attract three people that would like to attend our seminars on having multiple income streams.  [Why didn't I choose coffee, that was easy. It didn't come to my mind. Maybe I don't want coffee in life. I want bigger things. I feel like Aladin who found the genie out the lamp. Who would want coffee for 3 wishes besides Starbucks sales team:)]

                                 Next, the guide says really expect I will get it and today. Focus with emotion. I will give it an honest shot. Close my eyes. I already feel the $12 in my hand. That seems easy. And the phone call. It's easy to see the my black berry tingle with the red light and the phone ring. Wow, its wonderful. I feel happy even if that sounds stupid. Three people online are interested in signing up for our courses. They are asking how it will work. And time required. This is fun. Highly recommended!

                              I will write again at night. Let me confess I am a bit scared. What if... I promised myself no negative thinking for a 100 days. Shoooooooooo, the negative thought. The water is chilling but I have to jump. Here goes... splash!

See you at night,
P.S.     I might be posting updates on twitter:!/100intentions